by Internationale Stiftung Mozarteum
KV Anh. A 99
Comédie-Ballet in 4 Akten
Anh. A 99
André-Ernest-Modeste Grétry, Zémire et Azor
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KV 714
Der Stein der Weisen oder Die Zauberinsel [The sorcerer's stone or The magic island] (Pasticcio) Three contributions for Act II, finale
KV Anh. H 24,07
<For No. 21 (conclusion II). a) For the heavy infantry scene> a1) Different sketch for a cantus firmus
KV Anh. A 44
Christian Cannabich, Ballettmusik
KV Anh. C 6.01
Die Rekrutierung oder Die Liebesprobe Ballettpantomime (Pasticcio)
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