Concerto in C minor
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The Piano concerto in C minor, KV 491 is one of only two concertos by Mozart in a minor key and only one of three piano concertos with clarinets. The original manuscript shows that Mozart thoroughly revised the piano part in all three movements after completing the composition; however, he did not revise the orchestral part everywhere during the revision.
The slow movement is a Romance in which the winds play an important role, the final movement is—as in the Piano concerto in G, KV 453—a variation movement.
Did you know that Mozart probably wrote the Piano concerto in C minor, KV 491 for one of his pupils and not for himself? Although the background to its composition and first performance is unknown, there are four caricatures of a man’s head in the autograph towards the end of the first movement. Such drawings in Mozart’s hand are otherwise only known from the teaching materials of his student Barbara Ployer.
Autograph, 1786
Partitur: 37 Bl. (73 beschr. S.)
Abschrift, 1800
[Kopftitel?: ] Concerto per il Cembalo o Forte Piano. 2 Violini. Viole/ e Baßi 1 Flauto 2 Oboe 2 Clarinetti in B 2 Corni in E/ 2 Fagotti 2 Clarini in C Tympani in C./ Del Sig: Amad: Wolfgang Mozart.
Erstdruck, 1800
[handschriftliche Zeile:] N=o 3./ des six grands concertos/ pour le Piano_Forté/ composés par/ W. A. MOZART,/ & respectueusement dédiés/ à S. A. R. le Prince/ Louis Ferdinand/ de Prusse/ par l'editeur./ Oeuvre 82./ [links:] N=o 1415-20. [rechts:] Prix. 3]/ Edition faite d'après la partition en manuscrit./ A Offenbach s/m, chés J. André.
Stimmen: 63 S.