Concerto in A
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The Piano concerto in A, KV 488 belongs to a group of piano concertos that Mozart composed in 1784–85; however, it was initially left unfinished and was only completed for concert events during Lent in 1786. At that time, Mozart was able to use clarinets in orchestral works for the first time, so he rewrote the accompanying parts in the first movement, which were originally scored for oboes.
The concerto was apparently intended for Mozart’s student Barbara Ployer; embellishments in her hand are also preserved for the Adagio, which is unusually in F-sharp minor.
that Mozart needed four attempts for the final movement? He first conceived the movement—the exact order of the drafts is not known—in 6/8, 2/4 and allabreve time before coming up with the idea for the brilliant finale. At 524 bars, it is the most extensive orchestral movement in Mozart’s oeuvre.
Autograph, 1786
Partitur: 50 Bl. (99 beschr. S.)
Abschrift, 1800
Concerto/ Per il Clavicembalo o Forte Piano/ Coll'accompagnimento de 2 Violini, 1 Flauto, 2 Clarinetti/ 2 Corni/ 2 Fagotti/ Viole e Basso/ Di W: A: Mozart.
Klavier-Stimme, mit Bezifferung und Kadenz zum 1. Satz
Erstdruck, 1800
N=o [handschriftliche Ziffer:] 5./ des six grands concertos/ pour le Piano_Forté/ composés par/ W. A. MOZART,/ & respectueusement dédiés/ à S. A. R. le Prince/ Louis Ferdinand/ de Prusse/ par l'editeur./ Oeuvre 82./ [links:] N=o 1415-20. [rechts:] Prix f. 3/ Edition faite d'après la partition en manuscrit./ A Offenbach s/m, chés J. André.
Stimmen: 53 S.